Gesundheit (Part 2)

Ah, spring. As I sit here writing this, the sun is shining, the tulips have bloomed, and the birds are outside my window, sweetly chirping the news, “Frühling ist da! Now get outside and lose some lard, fatty”. As insensitive as they are, the German birds are as right as their bipedal and Birkenstock-bedecked brethren: […]

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Gesundheit (Part 1)

No, someone did not just sneeze. Gesundheit isn’t just something to be said after someone detonates virus-laden spittle from their mouths at 230kph before panic-strickenly checking themselves, and others, for contagious debris. Hardly anything ruins a happy moment faster than your boss – or worse, me – discovering a sticky mess stuck to their cheek […]

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11 Tage Spaeter (11 Days Later)

I’m pretty sure that Germany will be, or maybe already is and they are just efficiently and quietly covering it up, ground zero for the zombie pandemic. One of the first things that I noticed upon my first visit in December, and something that I have come to love since, are the built-in, roll-up window […]

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Hallo, Welt!

Guten Tag! I am writing this first entry as an attempt to provide an informative prelude to the ensuing blog and, more importantly (and lest my readers think that I got drunk, purchased a blog site, and then forgot about it), because I want to remove the automatic and generic post that was pre-populated by […]

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