Pick A Christmas Card, Any Card.

It’s December 1st! Twenty-four more days until Christmas! Okay, twenty-three here as Christmas (Weihnacthen) in Germany is celebrated on the American Christmas Eve. As yesterday was the 1st day of Advent in Germany which heralds the beginning of the holiday season, I thought that I would post one of Eve’s and my older Christmas cards to set […]

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You Drive. Me Crazy.

Driving can be one of life’s simple pleasures. Cruising down winding country roads with the windows down, your left arm perched languidly on the sill, the sun shining warmly on your face; This is indeed a pleasure-filled experience. Unless you live in the country to begin with, however, getting to this heavenly point means that […]

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The Move – Part 2: IKEA

After having secured your apartment, the next task that must be undertaken is restocking it with all of the items that you essentially gave away in the garage sales that were necessary just so you could move here. Sure you could have paid someone thousands of dollars to ruin your furniture and then deliver the […]

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Gesundheit (Part 2)

Ah, spring. As I sit here writing this, the sun is shining, the tulips have bloomed, and the birds are outside my window, sweetly chirping the news, “Frühling ist da! Now get outside and lose some lard, fatty”. As insensitive as they are, the German birds are as right as their bipedal and Birkenstock-bedecked brethren: […]

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Gesundheit (Part 1)

No, someone did not just sneeze. Gesundheit isn’t just something to be said after someone detonates virus-laden spittle from their mouths at 230kph before panic-strickenly checking themselves, and others, for contagious debris. Hardly anything ruins a happy moment faster than your boss – or worse, me – discovering a sticky mess stuck to their cheek […]

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