Germans love their beer so much that they even put in their shampoo. Unless you want to burp bubbles, however, do not drink it.
The origin of “Tying the Knot”.
Someone is Stuttgart speaks English…and desperately needs a hug.I have been officially inducted into Germany as Eve got me a European shoulder bag for my birthday. No, it’s not a purse. If you call it that, I will take off one of my high heels and beat you with it.Beware of Rothenburg’s Nutcrackers! They bite.This was taken at the BMW museum in Munich. Strangely, they don’t like it when you climb in, grab the wheel, and yell “Vroom…VROOM”!This is a normal occurrence at Bavarian restaurants. Ordinarily if you walk into a place in the States and see men standing on tables, wearing qleather trousers and holding whips, you quickly realize that you have stumbled into the wrong venue and quietly leave.Red Sox are,…umm, red; the Chiemsee is blue, We were biking in Bavaria, …and rhyming is hard.This a page from my German language coursebook and is one of the few that is not covered in blood stains from me banging my head against my desk.In the States we have tree-huggers but, as Europeans are much more environmentally-conscious, here they have “tree kissers”. Lucky tree.Ruiner? He must own a moving company.When these “I Am Legend” style metal shutters roll all the way down, not only are they completely light-proof, they lock. Zombie outbreak, you say? Yawwnnn…
“I am an American. Bite me”. It may sound crass, but an “Amerikaner” is not only an American citizen, it is also a delicious cookie.
If you see this sign, hopefully you’ll have a pillow with you; You’re going to be here a while.Since Schweiger and tiger rhyme, and because both Til and his striped brethren are mysterious and dangerous creatures, the creation of this graphic was inevitable.As if wrinkles and cancer aren’t bad enough, smoking apparently now also causes “fatal lung crabs”. Don’t smoke, people; That has to be a terrible way to go.There is an American-style restaurant in town that serves not only delicious burgers, but American beer as well. Ahhhh, the tastes of home.Pay toilets may seem strange, but trust me, paying 70 cents to not stand in a yellow puddle is worth it. You can always use the free voucher to buy a bottle of lemonade and dump it at your feet if you miss the States.After moving in March, this arrived is April. Sure, the cherry blossoms are nice, but for me, the REAL arrival of spring was my baseball glove.Probably due to my Irish ancestry, this beer had my name on it.Eve bought these for me, telling the clerk “My husband loves these!” to which he smirked & laughed. FYI, Möpse means not only “pugs” in German, it also means “boobs”.Though it sounds the same, “Feierabend” does not actually involve fire. Lesson learned.Unbeknownst to me, there are monkeys in Germany. Quite pretty monkeys. I will spare you the obvious joke of offering her a banana.She said yes! Once again, gentlemen, ALWAYS make your proposal public; she won’t be able to say no. Genius!My best mate, Marc, has a plane. He looks like he was born for the role with his aviators while I…look like an airborne nerd. In other words, he is Maverick from Top Gun and I am (Mother) Goose.Oh, Black Swan. You kind of freaked me out as a movie but as a beer, you are delicious. P.S. Natalie Portman, please grab one of these instead of a shard of glass the next time you feel the urge to stab someone.Passport Beer Coaster.A Frau on the Klettergerüst. Notice how she has no dirt in her teeth? Not an American. Photo Credit: http//:uberding.netYou do not want to confuse these two but, if you do, you’ll only do it once.Cases of unrefrigerated milk and none of them are spoiled. Science…or sorcery?A reenactment of a German spring rain. Now just imagine that the nozzle is the size of France.German Gatorade.Spargal: More valuable than gold.Kids, if you’re parents are carrying one of these as you walk past the ducks, LAUF! (RUN!)Currywurst: 50% Indian, 50% German, 100% delicious.Tschüss, Winterspeck! Meme Credit:“Here lies Fritz. He is dead. Too bad”.Forget Wheaties. THIS is the real breakfast of champions.My gym in our Gewölbekeller. New memberships are welcome. Hours are 11:00 – 12:00 every other Thursday (to help me carry the cases).Where the mimes live. Photo Credit: http//:outdooractive.comHelen, GA. Bavarian tomfoolery, no passport required. Photo Credit: Sussman ImagingDie Toilette. Aim true, my friend.Usually reserved for bad decisions, at 35,000 feet, only good ones will be made. Did someone say “Mile High Club”?Behold, your wedding officiant. You will not understand him, but that is okay; Just say “Ja” when he points his ray-gun at you. Photo credit: http://epictimes.comJägermeister. Or, as it is more commonly known, “Liquid Lobotomy”.“Here lies Fritz. He is dead. Unfortunate”. The explanation of “Off the wagon” and “On the fritz” in one photo.Two duvets: Preventing Eve from stealing the covers since 2013.The extremely heavy Kitchen-Aid. There is a stain under it which Eve will never discover.To give you an idea of how big German pillows are, that is a life-size replica of the earth.Lattenroste: German mattress platform/catapult. I’d sleep with a helmet on. Photo credit:
2 thoughts on “Photo Gallery”
Hey Stranger!
Living in Germany eh? How wonderful! I lived in Lahr for 4 years and loved every second of it. Truly gorgeous with amazingly kind people. I miss the food….the pace of life….the scenery…..such a wonderful place to live. I’m very happy for you and will try to keep up with reading your blog.
Have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment. 🙂
Hey Stranger!
Living in Germany eh? How wonderful! I lived in Lahr for 4 years and loved every second of it. Truly gorgeous with amazingly kind people. I miss the food….the pace of life….the scenery…..such a wonderful place to live. I’m very happy for you and will try to keep up with reading your blog.
Have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment. 🙂
Thanks, Louise! I haven’t been to Lahr but will have to agree with you on the people and food, both are amazing. Great to hear from you! 🙂